Studies on Tai Chi & QiGong

People have studied and researched Tai Chi and its related practices in clinical and scientific settings. Here you will find a number of the articles and papers from around the world.

It is important to us that you know why Tai Chi is effective and what it is effective for.

Evidence for the effectiveness of Tai Chi & Qigong

An evidence map of the effect of Tai Chi on health outcomes

This evidence map describes the volume and focus of Tai Chi research reporting health outcomes.


Health benefits of Tai Chi systematic review

here is abundant evidence on the health and fitness effects of tai chi. Based on this, physicians can now offer evidence-based recommendations to their patients


The 24-Form Tai Chi Improves Anxiety and Depression

The 24-form Tai Chi improved the anxiety and the depression symptoms and upregulated the miR-17-92 levels in CHD patients after PCI.


Differential Effects of Tai Chi Chuan (Motor-Cognitive Training) and Walking on Brain Networks

The findings of the current study suggested that long-term practice of different types of physical exercises (TCC vs. walking) influenced brain functional networks and brain functional plasticity of elderly women differentially.


Tai Chi is an effective form of exercise to reduce markers of frailty in older age.

Anxiety, physical and mental fatigue decreased in both groups, with a greater decrease in mental fatigue in the Tai Chi group.


Tai Chi Training Evokes Significant Changes in Brain White Matter Network in Older Women

Regular TC training is more conducive to optimize the brain functioning and networking of the elderly.


Effects of Tai Chi exercise on cardiovascular disease risk factors and quality of life in adults with essential hypertension

Tai Chi lowers blood pressure, total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL-C, and blood glucose and significantly increases the quality of life in adults with EH. There is strong evidence for the short-term efficacy of Tai Chi exercises.


Effectiveness of Tai Chi on Balance Improvement in Type 2 Diabetes Patients

In conclusion, the results support the benefits of Tai Chi intervention to improve balance in patients with type 2 diabetes.


Lower Percentage of Fat Mass among Tai Chi Chuan Practitioners.

TCC middle-aged and elderly practitioners appear to be less affected by the process of physiological aging and the associated fat mass changes, compared to sedentary people.


Brain Functional Specialization is Enhanced among Tai Chi Chuan Practitioners

Changed VMHC indicated that TCC practice could enhance functional specialization in the middle frontal cortex of practitioners, which may be associated with higher-order cognitive ability.


Effectiveness of Tai Chi for health promotion for adults with health conditions

This scoping review of meta-analyses elucidates "high" and "moderate" quality evidence of the effectiveness of Tai Chi in improving important outcomes for people with numerous health conditions.


The effects of tai chi chuan exercise training on countermovement jump performance in the elderly.

Peak knee moment 23% and peak knee power 32% higher in TCG compared to the HG, suggesting that frequent practice of tai chi chuan may slow the rate of knee degeneration.


Tai Chi versus routine exercise in patients with early - or mild-stage Parkinson's disease

Tai Chi had the potential to slow down the progression of symptoms of Parkinson's disease and delayed the introduction of levodopa


Effects of Tai Chi Chuan on Inhibitory Control in Elderly Women

The TCC intervention significantly improved inhibitory control in older adults, suggesting that TCC is an effective, suitable exercise for improving executive function and neurological health in elderly people.


Effects of physical activity programs on sleep outcomes in older adults

Furthermore, programs that offered single exercise types, such as Baduanjin, Tai chi and the silver yoga program, or a combination of exercises showed the highest proportion of significant versus reported effects on sleep outcomes.


Tai Chi and Workplace Wellness for Health Care Workers

In conclusion, this systematic review suggests the potential impact of interventions such as tai chi as tools for reducing work-related stress among healthcare professionals.


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@ 2022 by The Tai Chi Academy

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