A Senior Tai Chi Teachers Recommendation
"I’m 80 years old and teach taijiquan in a small desert town in USA. My martial arts experience includes several internal forms of taijiquan (Yang, Sun, Yangji Miquan; Mantis); Kung Fu (San Soo, I Liq Chuan); and general wusu. Martial arts is a hobby for me rather than a profession; however, I have been fortunate enough to study under very high level teachers for many years. I mention my experience in martial arts to give credence to my judgment of Chris Davis and his Tai Chi Academy courses.
I highly recommend his courses and instruction to my students and to anyone who desires to learn the real meaning of martial arts. This means that if you study under Chris’s tutelage, whether it be beginning exercises; advanced techniques in neigong; or pugilistic applications, you’ll learn from an excellent teacher. His writings, videos and instructions are clear and concise, allowing you to adopt his information into your personal training. For older students, Chris provides safe and healthy courses you can adapt to your personal needs. Moreover, his blog enables you to ask questions and to read other students’ replies. For reason listed above, I recommend Chris Davis’ taijiquan courses and his other course to anyone seeking a superior teacher in martial arts."
Philip Hanson